Are You Selfish or a Selfist?

One spring weekend, many years ago, before I became a mother, I sat on my crappy townhouse deck with two of my favorite people. Over some inconsequential cocktail that I can no longer recall, the three of us shared parts of ourselves with one another. We became...

Mommy’s Time Out

Last week I wrote about an epic meltdown I had while traveling alone with my two kids. I was so touched by the outpouring of support in the comments from people who assured me that it was normal and not necessarily a bad thing that I lost my sh*t in front of the kids....

Balance, That Elusive Bastard

I’m going to do something different today. I’m going to write the kind of post that I haven’t written in a long time. As I look back over the past few months, I see a lot of lighthearted, funny posts. I see some reflective ones, maybe even a few that...

10 Reasons Why The 80s Were Better Than Today

As a nostalgia junkie, there’s just nothing like the 1980s to make me nod my head, smile softly with fondness, and do the slow-clap. There is just so much material there to reminisce about- the amazing music, the hideous humiliating memorable fashion, the TV...