by Stephanie | Feb 3, 2014 | Uncategorized
I am so excited to be guest posting today at Raised on the Radio, a website for music-lovers that I’m proud to say is the brainchild of my fantastic fellow blogger and friend, Jen, of My Skewed View. I’m sharing a recent experience that reminded me of the...
by Stephanie | May 3, 2013 | blogging
Well, after my blog sabbatical last week, I came back in full force! Jessica and I had been covertly working on our new project and website, The HerStories Project, which we unveiled on Wednesday. Our new project is an expansion of our friendship series, and...
by Stephanie | Apr 4, 2013 | family life
Today’s Finish the Sentence Friday prompt is: A typical day in my life looks like… I could go a lot of directions with that one. At first I thought I’d give you a window into how crappy interesting it is getting my girls and myself ready to leave the...