My “Do-Again” List

A few weeks ago, out of the blue, I had the idea to make a list of moments in my life I’d like to go back and experience again. I guess that is in keeping with my penchant for waxing nostalgic; I have written frequently about how much I enjoy reminiscing about...

How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

My 20 month old daughter, splayed out on the sidewalk, carefully rested her head on the pavement and forcefully announced, “Fit!” “Oh, you need to have a fit,” I observed. “Go ahead. Let me know when you’re all done.” It...

Blogging: My Sanity Saver

I blog because otherwise I might explode. Like many other bloggers, I started my blog because I had begun writing a book, and I had no idea what to do with it. It didn’t take long before I realized how much effort it would take, how much criticism I would have...
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