Bedtime Stall Tactics, As Taught By My Toddler

Aren’t kids great at prolonging bedtime? For not having complete control over their bodily functions, they certainly are masterminds of manipulation and cunning. I was shocked at how early my second daughter began honing her abilities to delay being put in her...

Wordless Wednesday- A Spectrum of Emotions

Last week I wrote a post about raising emotionally intelligent children. It got me thinking quite a bit about the vast array of feelings my children express, even as early as toddlerhood. I am going to upcycle the photo collage I used for that post in order to link up...

Mommy’s Law

I hit a turning point in my life when I realized that, despite my best intentions and efforts to be prepared, things were not going to turn out as I had planned. There is nothing like motherhood to throw a wrench in the Type A works. When people decide to have...

How To Raise Emotionally Intelligent Children

My 20 month old daughter, splayed out on the sidewalk, carefully rested her head on the pavement and forcefully announced, “Fit!” “Oh, you need to have a fit,” I observed. “Go ahead. Let me know when you’re all done.” It...

HerStories: Baby Friends

For the past 7 weeks, Jessica and I have been sharing beautiful essays about women’s friendship through our HerStories: Tales  of Friendship series. We have been so impressed and so grateful for the incredible essays that have been shared with us, and we...
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