The Live-Tweeted Family Road Trip

I took a short family vacation last week, as you may or may not recall. My husband and I loaded up the minivan with our six year old, 20 month old, 3 suitcases, 4 pillows, 5 stuffed animals, 3 blankets, a Pack-n-Play, a portable toilet seat, a white noise machine, a...

Bedtime Stall Tactics, As Taught By My Toddler

Aren’t kids great at prolonging bedtime? For not having complete control over their bodily functions, they certainly are masterminds of manipulation and cunning. I was shocked at how early my second daughter began honing her abilities to delay being put in her...

Paging Dr. Freud! Help a Neurotic Mama Out!

It’s Finish the Sentence Friday again, and it’s one of those sentences that, for me, inspires writer’s block. If I could have dinner with anyone in history, it would be… Cue crickets and tumbleweed. So, the prospect of coming up with a...

Mommy’s Law

I hit a turning point in my life when I realized that, despite my best intentions and efforts to be prepared, things were not going to turn out as I had planned. There is nothing like motherhood to throw a wrench in the Type A works. When people decide to have...
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