Why I Can’t Wait for the Next Blogging Conference

My bucket list includes becoming a published writer, so I thought it would be a good idea to attend BlogHer ’13 in Chicago this year. I had some reservations, as it is somewhat expensive what with the flight and hotel, and I worried that I would feel overwhelmed...

Mid-Week Wrap-Up

I’m pretty sure nobody does mid-week wrap-ups, but in case you didn’t know, I am all about setting new trends. (*Boldface lie- I am a total sheep.) However, I wanted to direct you to a few exciting things this week! First of all, I wrote a post for The...

How To Make The End of BlogHer 13 Suck Even More

How do you make the post-blogging-conference letdown even more painful? Simple. Your flight home gets cancelled, and you spend the entire day at the airport. The morning after BlogHer 13 ended, I arrived at Chicago O’Hare promptly, breezed through check-in and...

BlogHer ’13 and The Best and Worst of Blogging

In honor of BlogHer ’13, the biggest blogging conference around, which is happening right now in Chicago, our Finish the Sentence Friday topic is, The best and worst things about blogging are… Well. I could go on and on all day about this. I’ve...

My One and Only Summer Weekly Wrap-Up- I Promise!

I swore off writing weekly wrap-ups this summer, but this week was a doozy, so I’m going back on my word. (I did of course include a disclaimer earlier, allowing myself a loophole should I choose to do a wrap-up. I digress.) Summer has been slow in my blogging...

My Favorite Posts From My First Year of Blogging

*Warning! This is not a real post. Feel free to skip it, unless you are at home on bedrest or laid up in the hospital in traction and need 100 links of stuff to read. Then by all means, dive in. (Disclaimer- I do not actually hope that either of those things has...
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