Interview With a Six Year Old Bloggess

Today is Day Two of Izzy’s Blog Takeover! Yesterday she filled us in on 10 things she bought with her own money, as part of the Monday Listicles. To demonstrate that she is truly immersed in the blog culture, today Izzy will be answering some questions posed to...

The Ambivalent Blogger: In Pursuit of Balance

I have just begun my seventh month as a blogger, and I am finally settling into it with a bit more comfort and ease. When I wrote The Awkward Blogger, I was fairly transparent about how nervous I was joining the blogging community, and how uncomfortable I felt with...

The Versatile Liebster

This has been a great week for my low morale! I have been fighting a cold all week, struggling to find balance and energy for my family, work, and blog, and then out of the blue, I got two awards! It was just the pick-me-up I needed. I received the Versatile Blogger...

Launch Day: Are My Neuroses Showing?

Welcome to Mommy, for real’s beautiful brand-new website! With this, my maiden post, I am both welcoming you and humbly asking for your help. When an author writes a book, the release day is sometimes called Launch Day, and a gallant effort is made to get the...
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